Promenade fille-père / Father-daugther walk

J'aime beaucoup prendre des photos quand personne me regarde lors des promenades. Souvent, mes sujets sont loin et mon zoom de caméra surchauffe mais le paysage est là pour prend toute sa place. Au fond, c'est une promenade.  Ici, nous sommes allés sur l'ile Texel au nord des Pays-Bas lors d'une fin de semaine idyllique en mai 2008.

I love taking pictures when nobody is looking.  Here, my subjects are far and the zoom of my camera is not powerful at all (something to watch for next time I buy a camera) but nevertheless, the scenery takes it's rightful place. Here, we were on Texel Island, north of the Netherlands while on a weekend getaway with perfect weather in May 2008. 

Note: My page was done with Jen Reed's Challenge Template for March... You download and scrap with this free template available on her blog:

and you get the superb Serenity kit...

Template: Jen Reed Designs March 2011 Challenge
Papers: Jen Reed's Serenity
JournalStrip: JenReed's DreamAnew
Heart, Flower: JenReed's Wanted
Word Art: Leora Sanford's Family Words
Word Strips: Hollie Haradon's Magnetic Poetry


  1. Superbe page, tres bien ce template pour caser pls photos. bises


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